By Mark Brookes


Part 1

The Story

Middle-aged builder, Lee, fears the memory of a tragic event that struck him six years earlier. 

Today is the anniversary, and today he wants to drink, snort and dance away the pain. 

But how can he? 

When a pyjama dressed boy, constantly tugs at his conscience, pushing him into a spiral of despair and forcing drastic measures.

Joining Lee for this afternoon of sullied entertainment is his old school buddy, now Site Manager, Michael. Michael is a heavily stacked man of patience, until he is duly concerned that events are cascading out of control. 


POETS Day was first performed at the Compass Theatre, Hillingdon, in August 2016, and was an instant success with the audience, and the Mayors of Hillingdon and of Harrow. 

The gritty lead role was undertaken by familiar film and television actor, Lee Barnett. He owned the stage, alongside his fellow actors, to name a few, Neil Felix, Koral Neal, Ben Felton and Archie Brookes.

A-level drama students from Hatch End High School, Harrow, studied it as part of their 6th Form curriculum, and the Tutors are also interested in Craic of Dawn, and Pied de Grue, for future drama projects.   


Although, POETS Day and Craic of Dawn are both stand-alone plays, they are set on the same day, Friday 20th June 2008. 

Based five miles apart, they follow an interwoven time-line, in which peripheral characters move between the two stories, lending insight to the larger Crane Trilogy plot.


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